I was going to start out with a photo of all the busy little bees currently working very hard in our garden however - they're so quick that everytime I took a photo they'd zoomed off by the time the camera had done it's thing! I'll have to kidnap John's camera in order to capture them I think, they're far too speedy for my little point and shoot!
I have a list this week of things to accomplish. It's quite long. I don't know that I'll get it all done as once again it's a very busy sporty week - and a very successful sporty week too. So far we've had a fabulous netball win (28-5) and a fabulous cricket win (317-250ish) and Catherine came fourth in javelin at an athletics meeting yesterday. Tonight we shall be sporting in a far more sedate manner - it's crown green bowling night. I've declared myself fit to bowl again following the nasty back incident after Easter which left me unable to walk at all for 2 1/2 weeks so I'm hoping I'll get to play tonight...if not, at least I'm off the injured bench and onto the reserve bench, that's progress!
One of my aims this week was to catch up with the My Little Heart SAL cross stitch and I've made some progress - the Easter bunny is stitched and I finished off all of the brown boxes, only May and June to stitch and I am all up to date with that. Here's the bunny with this week's flower for my garden...another green one, I like the green fabric! My blue arrived for the outer circle so next week I may print up some blue hexagons to see what these flowers look like with their blue petals on.
Another thing on my 'list' this week was to sew some more of the blocks for Catherine's quilt. I made 4 or 5 on Monday. They're rather large...16" and I'm thinking that I need a little sashing around the outside edge of them otherwise the pinwheels might disappear. I'm thinking of using white for the sashing.
(that bit of blur at the bottom...that's the camera strap! didn't see it until I had the picture open in Photoshop!)
Left to do on the list are...
Print, cut and sew some clamshells (I washed the blue fabric for these the other day...goodness me, the amount of die that came out it's a wonder there's any colour left in the fabric at all!)
Sew another section of Mary Wigham's wardrobe.
Sew a little more of my Blackbird SAL.
Looks like I'm going to be busy!
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