A little more progress on the Pennsylvania Dutch quilt this morning. This one has been sitting on my table for a couple of weeks ready to stitch but got moved down the queue while I was working on the birthday cushion and the cross stitch...and also because I wasn't keen on all those stretchy triangles for the middle square in squares. Turned out they weren't too bad to stitch after all and this block has come out at the right size :smile:
Only 5 blocks left to make now - the next one is Down the Well and doesn't look too tricky, I must have skipped ahead at some point. I'm rather behind with Barbara Brackman's Civil War quilt but hopefully I'll catch up at some point, I have a couple of difficult ones and two easier ones to make and then I'll be up to date - think I'll start off with the easier ones and put off the tricky ones for a little while longer, lol!
Oh that one's nice. I love the straight lines and symmetry.
Exactly how many quilts do you have on the go at the moment? I can't believe how productive you are. I'd never manage to keep up with them all myself *grin*
Posted by: Carole | 20 February 2011 at 01:01 PM
You, dear Tee, are really catching up with your BOMs! Love your Garden Stitcheries too (o:
Have fun with the next 5 PD blocks!
Posted by: simone | 20 February 2011 at 01:24 PM
This is so nice! I love the colors. It will be a beautiful quilt!
Posted by: Tricia T | 20 February 2011 at 02:30 PM
What lovely fabrics in this.
You really have been busy with all your quilt blocks.
Toni :o)
Posted by: Toni | 20 February 2011 at 03:38 PM