I got plenty of hexagons printed and cut last night - still have another colour to cut out and some fussy cutting for the centre of the next blocks to do. This morning I cut out all of the shapes for this weeks DJ Block of the Week which is F12, Starburst...that's a fiddly job but it's done now, just hope it stitches together ok. In Linda Franz's Writing Table Quilts DVD I noticed that Linda had a sort of padded work board to put her diamonds on...aha I thought, that would come in most handy. It's not always possible to sit down and stitch a block all in one go, there's bound to be some sporting event that requires attendance or something like that so...I got DH to cut me a piece of board on Sunday night and I've spent a bit of time this morning covering it with batting and black fabric. It works perfectly and Starburst is now pinned down onto it so none of the little pieces will go missing (hopefully!) in between now and tonight when I can start stitching it.
I've had a very satisfying post morning today. Postie has brought this month's Tail Feathers installment from Buttonberry and also several book rings...one of which is the next Kinsey Millhone book, K is for Killer sent to me by Cinderess on Bookcrossing. I was really ready for another Kinsey installment...I am trying to plough through Drood at the moment and I can't say that it's gripped me thus far at all! We're off to the library tonight and I know there are books waiting for me to collect. I'm hoping that one of them is the next Lilith Saintcrow book because I really enjoyed the first one! Such a pity that one cannot stitch and read at the same time really :sigh:
More cutting and then some lunch I think.
Theresa - your padded board is very creative. Looks like a great system. As far as reading and stitching at the same time - audio books work great for this! Pam
Posted by: Pam | 06 November 2009 at 05:31 PM